
Iben lives in our neighborhood, and occasionally comes around to play with my children. One day she came to the door in this beautiful outfit. I asked her if she would like her picture taken, and invited her into the garden in the afternoon light. The other children were playing right next to us on the trampoline. She just adopted the pose, with no directions. I love her body language and her expression of contentedness; how she holds her hands, elbows bent to prevent her purse falling off her arm, the 'Mona Lisa gaze' - ignoring the camera, yet still fully aware of the moment - having her picture taken. This is the first of  four quick takes, then she dashed on to play with the other children.

In that brief moment, with me and the camera, Iben turned her back to trampolines, playmates, sunny days and stick-on tattoos, and connected with the notion of greatness, a very old history of medieval silken dresses and secretive longing gazes...